This is the outline of the training course “Entrepreneurship and Starting a Business”.
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The training course consists of an introduction and three modules:
- Module 1: Entrepreneurship and New Business Creation
- Module 2: Business Planning and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
- Module 3: Guidelines for Starting a Business
Today’s dynamic economy requires people with entrepreneurial capacity, individuals who can take advantage of opportunities, take initiative and solve problems in creative ways. Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking and acting where you can use your passion for innovation whether you plan to start your own business, plan to work within an organisation, or develop an understanding of business operations and leadership.
The course on entrepreneurship gives you the knowledge and skills to independently and critically approach the entrepreneurial processes that take place in all sectors of society on a scientific basis: business, the public sector and civil society. It gives you tools to drive or facilitate entrepreneurship by starting your own business, developing local communities, or working with development processes in established companies, authorities, and non-profit organisations.
This entrepreneurship course aims to identify, educate and prepare future entrepreneurial and change leaders who will not only lead and manage companies and organisations but also leaders who will create and grow these new, innovative ventures that will create value by solving customer and society’s problems in non-traditional and sustainable ways.
1.1.1: What is Entrepreneurship and Why Do We Need It
Download the file: Course Introduction
Entrepreneurship and New Business Creation
Module Aim
This module aims to introduce entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills needed to support sustainable business development.
Module Content
(2 ECTS, 50-60 h)
- 1.1 Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses
- 1.2 Entrepreneurial Mindset
- 1.3 Entrepreneurial Activities
- 1.4 Sustainability and Social Enterprises
Module Outcome
After completing the module, the students will be able to:
- Understand businesses and their place in our global economy.
- Describe key concepts of entrepreneurship and explain how entrepreneurship relates to social and economic development.
- Understand the importance of integrating sustainability values in entrepreneurship and businesses.
Recommended Literature
- Burns, P. Entrepreneurship and Small business, latest edition, Red Globe Press.
- Cunningham, J., & Fraser, S. S. (2022). Images of entrepreneurship: divergent national constructions of what it is to ‘do’ entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 34(7-8), 567-581.
- Gartner, W. B. (2001). Is there an elephant in entrepreneurship? Blind assumptions in theory development. Entrepreneurship Theory and practice, 25(4), 27-39.
- Low, M. B., & MacMillan, I. C. (1988). Entrepreneurship: Past research and future challenges. Journal of management, 14(2), 139-161.
- Shane, S., & Venkataraman, S. (2000). The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research. Academy of management review, 25(1), 217-226.
- Shaver, K. G., & Scott, L. R. (1992). Person, process, choice: The psychology of new venture creation. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 16(2), 23-46.
Module Implementation
Business Planning and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Module Aim
This module aims to provide an understanding of business planning and the entrepreneurial prerequisites related to four different regional entrepreneurial ecosystem archetypes.
Module Content
(3 ECTS, 75-90 h)
- 2.1 Entrepreneurship Conditions in Different University Regions
- 2.2 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- 2.3 Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Concept
- 2.4 Navigating the Entrepreneurial Process
- 2.5 New Venture Creation Framework and Business Model Canvas
- 2.6 Development the Business Model
- 2.7 Communication and Pitching the Business Plan
Module Outcome
After completing the module, the students will be able to:
- Describe key concepts of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
- Understand the regional conditions’ impact on entrepreneurial opportunities.
- Understand the impact of the entrepreneurial ecosystem on entrepreneurship success and failure.
- Understand different roles in the business management process.
- Understand the use of business planning.
- Understand how to communicate and pitch a business plan.
Recommended Literature
- Burns, P. Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Bloomsbury publishing.
- Isenberg, D. & Onyemah, V., Fostering Scale Up Ecosystems for Growth: The Cases of Manizales-Mas and Scale Up Milwaukee, Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization (forthcoming 2016).
- Malecki, E. (2018). Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystems, Geography Compass,
- Roundy, P.T. (2017) "Social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystems: Complementary or disjoint phenomena?", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 44 Issue: 9, pp.1252-1267.
- European Commission (2020). Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe,
Recommended Literature Use in Lesson 2.1-2.7
- 2.1 Entrepreneurship and innovation (Burns, Ch. 2)
- 2.2 Entrepreneurial ecosystem concept (Isenberg & Onyemah, 2016; Malecki, 2018; Roundy, 2017).
- 2.3 Entrepreneurship conditions in different university regions (European Commission, 2020)
- 2.4 Navigating the entrepreneurial process (Burns, Ch. 9, 14, 15, 19)
- 2.5 New Venture Creation Framework and Business model canvas (Burns, Ch. 6)
- 2.6 Developing the Business Model (Burns, Ch. 7)
- 2.7 Communication and pitching the business plan (Burns, Ch. 8)
Module Implementation
Module 2 – Regions
2.1 Entrepreneurship Conditions in Different University Regions
2.1 Conditions in University regions
2.1 Entrepreneurship Conditions in Basic University Regions
2.2 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2.2 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2.2 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2.3 Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Concept
2.3 The entrepreneurial ecosystem
2.4 Navigating the Entrepreneurial Process
2.4 Skills needed in the entrepreneurial process
2.5 New Venture Creation Framework and Business Model Canvas
2.5.1 New Venture and Creation Framework
2.6 Development the Business Model
2.6 Developing the business model
2.7 Communication and Pitching the Business Plan
2.1 Entrepreneurship Conditions in Different University Regions
2.1 Conditions in University regions
2.1 Entrepreneurship Conditions in Emergent University Regions
2.2 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2.2 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2.2 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2.3 Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Concept
2.3 The entrepreneurial ecosystem
2.4 Navigating the Entrepreneurial Process
2.4 Skills needed in the entrepreneurial process
2.5 New Venture Creation Framework and Business Model Canvas
2.5.1 New Venture and Creation Framework
2.6 Development the Business Model
2.6 Developing the business model
2.7 Communication and Pitching the Business Plan
2.1 Entrepreneurship Conditions in Different University Regions
2.1 Conditions in University regions
2.1 Entrepreneurship conditions in ADVANCED University regions
2.2 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2.2 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2.2 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2.3 Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Concept
2.3 The entrepreneurial ecosystem
2.4 Navigating the Entrepreneurial Process
2.4 Skills needed in the entrepreneurial process
2.5 New Venture Creation Framework and Business Model Canvas
2.5.1 New Venture and Creation Framework
2.6 Development the Business Model
2.6 Developing the business model
2.7 Communication and Pitching the Business Plan
2.1 Entrepreneurship Conditions in Different University Regions
2.1 Conditions in University regions
2.1 Entrepreneurship conditions in FRONTRUNNER University regions
2.2 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2.2 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2.2 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2.3 Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Concept
2.3 The entrepreneurial ecosystem
2.4 Navigating the Entrepreneurial Process
2.4 Skills needed in the entrepreneurial process
2.5 New Venture Creation Framework and Business Model Canvas
2.5.1 New Venture and Creation Framework
2.6 Development the Business Model
2.6 Developing the business model
2.7 Communication and Pitching the Business Plan
Guidelines for Starting a Business
Module Aim
The module aims to provide guidelines and tools needed to start a company.
Module Content
(1 ECTS, 25-30 h.)
Practical guidelines for starting a business.
Module Outcome
After completing the module, the students will be able to:
- Register a business and understand the impact of legal forms.
- Understand rules and legislation for operating a business (e.g. payment, auditing, accounting, employees, taxes, permits, export/import etc.).
- Overview over the regional support structure.
- Find business advice and support.
Module Implementation
3.1 Practical Guidelines for Starting a Business
3.2 Checklist for Starting a Business
Country-specific Information
Module 3 Presentation - Latvia